Hi, I’m Helen.
I’m a home lifestyle content creator, specialising in providing inspiration, tips and insight into creating a serene home that promotes wellbeing.
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Loft Conversion Cost in the UK: The Ultimate Guide
My comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about the cost of a loft conversion, including real-life examples and expert insights.

My First Time House Renovation 5 Months In
Here’s my first time house renovation 5 months in, showing an updated house tour of mine and my partners UK Victorian terraced home.

Modern Bungalow Extension Ideas
These modern bungalow extension ideas showcase some of the possibilities that this type of property has to offer.

Must See Small House Extension Ideas
These diverse examples of small house extension ideas showcases the interesting ways to approach a small extension.

Unique Ideas for Kitchen Extensions
Ideas for kitchen extensions that are both unique and beautiful. Take inspiration from these kitchen extensions that showcase what's possible.

Single Storey Rear Extension Ideas
Searching for single storey rear extension ideas? Find inspiration for your house extension with these modern and beautiful rear extensions.

My Small Bathroom Design
My small bathroom layout with a shower and separate bath.

Living In A House While Renovating
You can live in your house whilst renovation work is being done but it’s really beneficial to have an understanding of what you may experience beforehand.

Home Renovation Vs. Remodel
‘Home renovation’ and ‘home remodel’ seem to be used interchangeably but from speaking to builders there is a difference between the two terms.

My 2 Bed Victorian Terrace Renovation
Here’s a quick tour to show what my 2 bed Victorian terrace renovation looks like now, with footage that I took for when I’m able to show my terraced house renovation before and after.
my house tour
My partner, Rob, and I have done a lot of house renovating this year and this updated tour of our Victorian terraced home shows what we’ve been up to - we’ve been busy!
There’s still lots to do but we’ve made good progress and we couldn’t be happier with the fact that this house is starting to feel more and more like our home.